Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

(Bumped – promoted by DavidNYC)

I hope you all have a great weekend!

I’m very pleased to announce that we’ve smashed through our goal of 150 new contributions for Charlie Brown and Donna Edwards on the DailyKos/MyDD/SSP Actblue page. In total, we've collected 180 new donations for Charlie Brown and 188 for Donna Edwards. If you haven't made a contribution yet, get on over to the Actblue page and shake some action before the second quarter deadline passes tonight at midnight!

11 thoughts on “Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?”

  1. We gotta help Nick Lampson hold on in TX-22, and the local GOP might just be dysfunctional enough to let Nick keep that one.
    Then there’s Texas 10 where McCaul is way more vulnerable than he should be. Two strong challengers there in the primary and already both have outraised the guy who ran last time.
    Darcy Burner is coming to win this time.
    And of course there’s Donna Edwards vs Al Wynn.

  2. Stephen LaTourette is ripe for the picking and former Judge William “Bill” O’Neill has resigned from the Ohio 11th Circut Court of Appeals to run against him.

    Bill O’Neill pulled 1.4 million votes in a losing statewide effort to make it onto the Ohio Supreme Court in 2006 so He has face the voters before.  The fact he resigned his Judgeship proves how serious he is about this Congressional race as well.

    here is a link to his site:

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